All the resources from your favourite creator

Social share
Use Refokus Social Share to add social share buttons for Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook in Webflow.

Time to read
Use the Refokus Time to Read tool to calculate the total read time of a text element or rich text element and display the calculated time dynamically within Webflow.
SlickJS Slider
Create custom sliders in Webflow powered by SlickJS.

Page Transitions
Use Refokus Page Transitions in creating custom page transitions to improve your website navigation and user experience, creating visual continuity between pages.

Rich Text Enhancer
Use Refokus Rich Text Booster to add Classes, IDs, or Custom Attributes to rich text elements in Webflow so you can style text, anchor to it, add animations, add custom functionalities, and more.

Masonry Layout
Use Refokus Masonry to create a Masonry Layout (Pinterest Style) that’s also fully responsive!

Form Validator
Use the Refokus Form Validator to create ‘valid’ and ‘non-valid’ states when a user enters information into a form field. This supports Names, Email Addresses and Phone Numbers.

Image Magnifier
Use the Refokus Image Magnifier to help users get a closer look when viewing images on your project.

CMS Filters
Use Refokus CMS Filters to create one or more filter sets (also possible as individual CMS Collections) to filter results on a CMS collection list.
Automatic Tabs
Use the Refokus Automatic Tabs tool to enhance the behaviour of the native tab component in Webflow, by automatically navigating through the individual tab panes.