All the resources from your favourite creator
Auto Video
All videos on the page (Background Video components & <video> elements used in HTML Embeds) play and pause based on if the video is visible in the viewport.
Copy to Clipboard
Set any element on the page as a click trigger for copy to clipboard functionality.
CMS Combine
Take multiple Collection Lists from different Collections and Combine them to one single Collection List.
Count List Items
Count and display the number of items in a Webflow CMS Collection List.
CMS Nest
Option to have no limitations for Webflow CMS Nested Collections. Nest more than 5 items. Nest multiple Collections on a page.
Form Submit Event
Configure options for what happens after a Webflow form submission.
Table of Contents
Automatically generate a table of contents based on heading tags inside a Rich Text Block. Works with CMS, static, Webflow "Current" class, and native anchor scroll.
Mirror Click Events
Mirror a click event from one Webflow element to another element. Replicate user clicks on other elements on the page.
CMS Previous Next
Create previous and next items on Webflow CMS Templates
CMS Tabs
Create a CMS powered native Webflow Tabs component with a Webflow CMS Collection List.
CMS Select
Create dynamic Form Select element with Webflow CMS Collection List.